Overhead crane

Industry · Virtual Reality


Optimizing training in the operation of overhead cranes by providing a safe environment where operators can practice maneuvers without risks. The solution aims to enhance preparation for real-life situations, reduce operational costs, and accelerate the learning process efficiently.


Grupo CARAC is a company specialized in consulting and tailored strategic training. Its team of professionals focuses on managing and delivering training programs, as well as developing projects in human resources, occupational risk prevention, new technologies, and communication. The company provides comprehensive consulting services to ensure solutions tailored to each specific need.

Ensuring effective and safe training in the operation of overhead cranes is a key challenge in the industrial sector. This project offers a solution that enables operators to refine their skills without exposure to real risks, ensuring practical and precise learning while also reducing the carbon footprint and training costs.

Through an immersive environment, users can practise various manoeuvres in a virtual space that simulates real-life scenarios, eliminating physical risks and optimising learning without relying on real machines.


Interactive and personalised training

· Multi-user capabilities: the trainer can oversee the process and correct mistakes in real time.

· Unlimited practice: operators can repeat exercises until they master each technique.

· Performance analysis: a web platform records skill level, time, and precision in manoeuvres, enabling detailed progress tracking.


This tool not only optimises staff training, but also reduces operating costs and enhances safety in the workplace, ensuring more effective and accessible training.